Thursday, July 01, 2010

An iPad + a bit of Velcro

I just realized that I can use my iPad in a lot of different ways... here is a very clever one!
You just need a bit of velcro and not to be too fussy about "ruining" your iPad...
IMPORTANT: use good quality material... remember that a few extra bucks on good velcro may save your very expensive toy ;)
So, here we go:

1. Get the velcro and cut 4 squares 5x5 cm (better to put the soft side of the velcro "female" on the iPad for obvious resons)... stick them onto the back of your iPad like I've done in the picture below (sorry for the quality... just took them quickly using the iPhone 3G). This way you'll be able to attach the iPad in both portrait and landscape mode

2. Cut some strips of the rough "male" part of velcro  (20cm long) and put them wherever you recon you'll use the iPad (on a wall, in the kitchen, in the toilet (my favorite), in the car.... etc) as shown in the pictures below

3. Let the velcro (both the male and the female) rest for 3-4 hours ... they deserve it!  
This will give it time to stick properly and avoid accidents later on.

4. Now you can place your iPad wherever you have placed a piece of "male" velcro... 
Here are some pictures of where I've placed my iPad so far... great! I love it!
I can listen to the radio, watch the news or videos while doing something else, check on my FB, Twitter, LinkedIn accounts etc, etc 

So, hope you like it... have fun!
Ahh.. one more thing. Don't blame it on me if you damage your iPad. Do this at your own risk! 

Tony Corocher

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