Thursday, January 28, 2010

How to become a better blogger!

Of course teaching someone to ‘be unique’ is a challenge. Uniqueness by definition isn’t something that I can really tell you how to be – your blogs uniqueness is something that needs to come from your own uniqueness as a person – at least to some extent.
Having said that – some of the ways that blogs tend to be unique and stand out from the crowd often start with:

1. Voice – your style of writing. Manolo the shoe blogger was the first blogger I remember reading with a really unique voice (he writes in the third person).

2. Topic/s – Manolo again an example of uniqueness in this – his two topics when he first started were ‘celebrities’ and their ’shoes’. John Chow perhaps is another example – who ever heard of a make money online blogger who documents his food and talks about cars?

3. Design – the way your blog looks is a great way to make an impression, grab attention and stand out from the crowd.

4. Being First – not easy to do but if you can be one of the first blogs in a niche it can help you stand out. ProBlogger would be my own lucky example of this – at the time no one else was blogging about making a living from blogs.

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